Shenzhen Infell Electronics Co., Ltd Established in 2009, we are a professional enterprise engaged in the development and manufacturing of home appliance controllers and consumer electronics products, with our main products being PCBA and remote controllers. The company is headquartered in Shenzhen, China and has established branches in Vietnam, Pakistan, and India. Specializing in the production of BLDC fan controllers, air-cooled controllers pcb、 Advanced products such as washing machines and smart remote controls.
We have a keen insight into the development trend of outdoor products, and we have the ability to continuously develop new products and innovate and upgrade existing products!when your order reaches the MOQ of OEM&ODM, our design team will fully communicate with you and design
始创于深圳,集研发、生产、销售中高端真皮软体家居的大型 现代化规模企业。公司占地面积 30000 余平米、下设两大生产制造基地,超 400 人的全球精 英设计、管理、运营团队。公司全景现代化工业厂房, 智能制造生产。员工标准写字楼式整 体办公,宽敞明亮公寓宿舍。全新建立超 6000 平米沉浸式体验展示中心,以此打造公司良好 品牌形象,构筑深圳普玛尼品牌核心竞争力。
0755-848 103 25